19. The Medium Is The Message: Andrew McLuhan Part 1

On this episode, we grapple with the concerns of legendary philosopher of media and communication Marshall McLuhan. From the scale of person-to-person conversations to broad social change: is evolving technology (and our choices between existing ones) more important than the very things we're saying?  

Today, another guest! We talk with Andrew McLuhan, director of the McLuhan Institute (and Marshall's grandson) about these major concerns. Especially on blast: the all-consuming nature of today’s mediums and what society can do to mitigate their worst effects.  As always, we will never arrive at a "conclusion," but join us for the ride, and for a mellifluous Canadian accent. 

Music by Stephanie Chou.

And from The JakeLeggers' mixing booth.


20. Pick Up A Book?: Andrew McLuhan Part 2


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