17. Your Words

Groupthink, group expressions, even in-group vocabulary: it's easy and reliable, and a good way to keep feathers unruffled. But this ease can be outweighed by a lost opportunity to make an idea your own. In this episode, recorded in collaboration with the Jewish Learning Institute, Adam and Dovid discuss the advantages of developing (and "chewing") your own conception of ancient ideas. Practical and theological perks are all on the table. 

Read about Rabbi Chaim Brisker's Talmudic genius here

Read of the spirituality of the Sheloh HaKadosh here

Meditate on the legend of the crushed crown jewel here

Apply the lesson The Rebbe derived from Yaakov donning Eisav's furs here

Music by Ryan Chaney and Stephanie Chou.


18.a Michael


16. Idol Hunters